DC DGS Emergency COVID Preparedness / BAS Upgrades for 117 Schools, Washington, DC

117 active public schools

Awarded 2021 Project of the Year

The Department of General Services (DGS) was charged with the design and construction of stabilization projects that improve HVAC operations for both non-modernized and modernized District of Columbia Public Schools.

With the onset of the COVID pandemic, DGS decided that a more comprehensive assessment and retrofit of the existing systems was mandatory to ensure optimal air quality for students, faculty, and visitors to 117 active public-school buildings. Central to these upgrades was upgrading the school’s Building Automation Systems (BAS).

SETTY designed a Delta Controls enteliWEB facility and energy management system for each of the 117 schools to monitor and control the main HVAC equipment from a remote network operations center.


The scope of work was spread over two phases. Phase I being assessment and system modifications that includes contractor training on the use of enteliWEB and working with the contractors towards creation of a COVID sequence of operations in the BAS in order to improve ventilation.

Phase II consists of design and construction that includes connecting the sites to a central enteliWEB Digital FM platform. SETTY also performed meta-data tagging of trended data points which allows any/all applications to understand what the data is. An End-user interface UI was used for managing, understanding, and trouble-shooting.

The project received the 2021 Project of the Year Award presented by the Construction Management Association of America National Capital Chapter.